Membership is only $15
How your money makes a difference!
We are all Loveland. We can do more with more, so we thank you for your time and/or financial support!
Parent goals:
Strong education
Safe schools
Social responsibility
Loveland M/INT goals:
Promote the parent agenda
Update parents of upcoming issues, decisions and events
Supplement the school funding to further enrich our students
Support our teachers
Maintain strong connection between school, home and the community
Endorse the Loveland needs to the Ohio PTA
Your PTSA is your way to do that at LIS and LMS. We are your voice and your vehicle to make a difference!
What's in it for me?
Parent newsletters on relevant topics to your kids
Access to M/INT events
Access to the board, who in turns has regular access to school administration
Your membership, support and donations enriching our students
Maybe even more important - what is in it for your kid(s)?